Saturday, October 30, 2010

PLN 15-Schools Would Be Great If It Weren't For The Kids

I read "Schools Would Be Great If It Weren't For The Kids" by Alfie Kohn. In this article, the author states that it is not the teachers fault for the students failing. It's the students fault. I believe this is entirely true because teachers are teaching us everything that is crucial to know to get good grades and understand the material. It's the student's that are not doing their part and completing the homework, participating in class procedures and things like that. This matters to me because I am one of the students that needs to step up their game and pay more attention.  I know I have the ability to get good grades, I just don't try hard enough. My parents tell me my grades are pretty dismal, but they know I am capable of much more.  This matters to education because kids need to take responsibility once high school starts and work harder to get good grades. This matters to the world because students have to pay attention and get good grades to make the future a better place in the future.


  1. good job. i enjoyed the contreversial topics.

  2. Need atention getter good question.

  3. Look at people not the ground, speed up the pace of your words, dont pause as much, have what you want to say in your head

  4. Said um quite a bit, stop and paused. Good question, you need to practice speaking in front of people a bit more.

  5. Good presentation good eye contact but looking at paper to much.

  6. Nice job look at people not the ground. Nice ending question it made me think.

  7. Good presentation, dnt forget to connect to da world though! nice body moving

  8. Good points, but you sounded unprepared and like you were making it up as you go. Good question.

  9. Great presentation. Good job broski

  10. looked alittle nervous about being up there but good job!:)

  11. Good presentation, but you could have been more prepared.

  12. g00d job with ideas but u shouldnt be looking at ur paper as much

  13. You had a good question your speech was very choppy
