Saturday, October 30, 2010

PLN 11

After reading Carl Fisch's 2020 vision, it made me think a little bit about Americas future. Mr. Fisch already is noticing that Google is buying out many companies Making Google huge. He views that by the year 2020 Google will have bought out even more and will soon be bigger than bill gates. I really like how he is writing this as if he is in the future. This matters to me because as a student, i need to get a general understanding on what our future will be like so i can learn the things i need to learn to have a successful life. This matters to education because all the teachers need to know what to teach us for us to be able to survive in the future. And this matters to the world because this is a view on what it will be like in the near future. All we can do is wait and see! But for now, we need to pay close attention to these posts.

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