Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PLN 4 - Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile

I enjoyed reading the article "Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile" by Olga Kharif.   This article talked about how popular Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have become and how much more powerful they will be when added to things like smartphones.  There are many different applications and industries that take advantage of artificial intelligence.  Video Games now use it to make their games even more challenging.  Doctors can use AI programs to analyze patient test results and help them cure diseases really quickly and easily.  Bascially, AI means that the application learns to think the way we do, instead of thinking like a computer.  Computers become more human like.  

Mazin Gilbert, executive director of technical research at AT&T Labs, said this of AI, "We are trying to reach that Star Trek dream. "We spent decades investing in this technology. If you can put AI with mobility, it really—significantly—expands the number of applications and services" you can provide, he says.

The trend of AI is important to me because I can definitely benefit from these types of programs.  If I or someone in my family is sick and an AI program can take my test results and tell the doctor what is wrong with me, I will be healthier. An AI program could even save my life.

Artificial intelligence matters to education because it is our minds that help build these types of programs.

Lastly, AI matters to the world because governments and military can use AI programs to simulate real world security threats and help us to be a safer country. That is a benefit to the world.

Monday, September 20, 2010

PLN 7- Machines Are Using Us

I found the video, “Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/Ing Us” to be very interesting.  It talked about how web content has changed from html form-based to the more powerful xml content-based entries.  It really made me realize just how much we are able to do with the computer.  We are able to write, edit, organize, add to and format content in just minutes where before computers … it would take hours.  The video also talked about it is not just “us” using the computer.  The computer is actually using “us”.  Every time we type text into a search window, we add to the global online database.  The more people ask from the computer, the more powerful the computer becomes.  If the machines start to use us, they could start controlling us, brainwash us so we become miscreants.  We will stop thinking for ourselves.  We will let the computer become our mind.  It matters to be personally, because if the computer starts to use me, it will become more powerful and I will learn less because that information is that much easier to get.  This matters to education because students need to remember and learn less and less because the computer remembers it for them.  We can just think, “oh I’ll just look it up later” instead of taking notes on a topic.  This matters to the world because the more intelligent and powerful the computer becomes, the less control we have as global occupants.  The above reasons explain why I don’t believe it is wise to let machines use “us”.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

PLN 5 - Footprints in the Digital Age

How does Will Richardson's post a "Footprints in The Digital Age" affect me as a person?  It affects me as a person because once you apply for a job or college, all your information is available for them to look at and get an idea of who you are as a person.  It will tell them if you are a hard worker or a good student.  It will also tell them about any criminal history you may have.  

Reading this short story made me realize just how important it is to get and keep a positive digital footprint. Not only is it important to me, but also education and the world.  

A positive footprint relates to education because getting a good education and working my hardest will help me obtain a strong, positive digital footprint.  Knowing this makes me want to try even harder!  Colleges are now looking into your "digital footprints" or online activity before considering you as a student at their institution.  It makes me think about how I project myself when I write posts in online accounts.  If I use bad language and post inappropriate pictures, I may be passed over by a college because they won't have a good first impression of me.

Lastly, it relates to the world because everyone has a digital footprint. Therefore, everyone needs to try hard and work together so we all can live successful lives and not all be misanthrope's. The more positive information posted by people worldwide will hopefully start to diminish the negative impact some have left with inappropriate words; pictures; articles, etc.

Just take a minute to realize how big of a deal this is, and how it will affect you when you grow old.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Good/bad qualities in teachers and students.

Good teacher qualities
-active classes
-give more time in class to work on homework
Bad qualities
-gives unreasonable amount of homework
-doesn't care what students think
-takes anger out on the class
Good qualities in students
-quality homework
-good listeners
Bad qualities
-inter-ups the class
-terrible participation
-sleeps in class

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Topic Sentence - The Most Dangerous Game

In Richard Connell's piece "The Most Dangerous Game", the character Rainsford finally realized that murder is not quite as great as he thought it would be.  It was brought to his attention that he was the "hunted" and not the "hunter". 

Fish eyes topic sentance

In David Brenner's short story "Fish Eyes", The words and actions of his brother Mel and his sister Bib influence who David became due of all the pranks and jokes they demonstrated throughout the short story.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

PLN 3. Is Google making us stupid?

In some ways, I do believe that Google is making us stupid. But on the other hand, Google provides us with great information that people need to know. Most people have the same opinion that I do. For example,  if you take advantage of all the websites and information that Google has to offer, than this worldwide website could come in handy. The bad thing is that people abuse the internet and Google.  They stay inside on the computer goggling things instead of being outside and staying active.  People are not using the library and bookstores nearly as much as before Google and the internet. Honestly, i believe that Google, internet, technology will someday interfere with humans health. So hopefully we take control of that.

What Matters To Me Collage

Monday, September 6, 2010

What Matters To Me

Family matters to me, because I like having people who care about me.  My family always helps me out when I need it.  I love my parents, they know just what I need. I also like how many siblings I have. My older sister Natatia is amazing.   She helps me out with many different things, like cleaning my room and helping me with homework that i don't understand. My younger sister and I always do fun things, and never are bored.  And then there is my little brother. I love my little brother cause hes really motivated and always finds a way to do whatever he puts his mind too.

Friends matter to me. I have two really good friends, Travis and Conner. We have had some pretty amazing times together. Travis and Conner are hilarious, just listening to them makes me laugh. Travis and conner are such a joy to be around cause they always have something to do. For example, we built a rope swing in the tree at my new house. Me and Travis always make the best food together and can make any meal.

Baseball matters to me.  I have been playing baseball since I was 7 years old.  I am now playing at Arapahoe.  I am a pitcher and love the feeling of throwing a  pitch that strikes out a batter. I love the feeling i get when i get a good hit and help out our team.  I love helping my team win.  I am planning to continue working out and getting myself in shape for spring tryouts.

Biking matters to me. I'm not very good but i really enjoy the feeling of being up above the ground.  Knowing that if i fall i could get hurt. The adrenaline rush it gives me makes me feel confident and happy. One other thing that I love about biking, is that it is something that I can do every day and don't need anyone else to do it. I like that it can get me where I need too be fast.

Without all these things i don't know where i would be.