Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PLN 4 - Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile

I enjoyed reading the article "Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile" by Olga Kharif.   This article talked about how popular Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have become and how much more powerful they will be when added to things like smartphones.  There are many different applications and industries that take advantage of artificial intelligence.  Video Games now use it to make their games even more challenging.  Doctors can use AI programs to analyze patient test results and help them cure diseases really quickly and easily.  Bascially, AI means that the application learns to think the way we do, instead of thinking like a computer.  Computers become more human like.  

Mazin Gilbert, executive director of technical research at AT&T Labs, said this of AI, "We are trying to reach that Star Trek dream. "We spent decades investing in this technology. If you can put AI with mobility, it really—significantly—expands the number of applications and services" you can provide, he says.

The trend of AI is important to me because I can definitely benefit from these types of programs.  If I or someone in my family is sick and an AI program can take my test results and tell the doctor what is wrong with me, I will be healthier. An AI program could even save my life.

Artificial intelligence matters to education because it is our minds that help build these types of programs.

Lastly, AI matters to the world because governments and military can use AI programs to simulate real world security threats and help us to be a safer country. That is a benefit to the world.

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