Sunday, September 12, 2010

PLN 5 - Footprints in the Digital Age

How does Will Richardson's post a "Footprints in The Digital Age" affect me as a person?  It affects me as a person because once you apply for a job or college, all your information is available for them to look at and get an idea of who you are as a person.  It will tell them if you are a hard worker or a good student.  It will also tell them about any criminal history you may have.  

Reading this short story made me realize just how important it is to get and keep a positive digital footprint. Not only is it important to me, but also education and the world.  

A positive footprint relates to education because getting a good education and working my hardest will help me obtain a strong, positive digital footprint.  Knowing this makes me want to try even harder!  Colleges are now looking into your "digital footprints" or online activity before considering you as a student at their institution.  It makes me think about how I project myself when I write posts in online accounts.  If I use bad language and post inappropriate pictures, I may be passed over by a college because they won't have a good first impression of me.

Lastly, it relates to the world because everyone has a digital footprint. Therefore, everyone needs to try hard and work together so we all can live successful lives and not all be misanthrope's. The more positive information posted by people worldwide will hopefully start to diminish the negative impact some have left with inappropriate words; pictures; articles, etc.

Just take a minute to realize how big of a deal this is, and how it will affect you when you grow old.

1 comment:

  1. Justin-

    This is a good start. Remember to start your entry with a clear topic sentence that includes the title (hyperlinked) the author, what matters and why?

    This entry also needs you to expand a little more on education and the world. Be specific, give an example to support what you are trying to say. Don't just speak in generalities.

    Finally, this entry also needed to include your vocab word of the week.
